Community-Accountable Design


Palestine Solidarity Resources for Designers and Cultural Workers

And Also Too denounces the recent escalation of attacks on Gaza by the Israeli regime. As we stand in solidarity with Palestinieans resisting horrific oppression and ongoing ethnic cleansing, we call on our peers to recognize design, art, and culture as instruments of apartheid, settler colonialism, and state-sponsored dispossession. As creators in world-building professions, it is our duty to actively resist this weaponization of our work, knowledge and resources.

We cannot stand silent and complicit as thousands of Palestinieans continue to be killed, expelled from their ancestral lands, and denied access to basic services. To this end, we are joining other organizations pressuring our governments, institutions, and fellow design colleagues to demand the end of Israeli occupation. We’ve put together a list of resources and actions you and your organization can take to support worldwide efforts to #FreePalestine.

Support a Movement or Campaign

Sign onto Solidarity Statements & Utilize Petitions

Donate to Emergency Appeals

Other ways to support

Educate yourself on current events and history of Palestine

Follow these IG accounts for more resources